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As a consequence, Magento's architecture and nomenclature have been modified to fit the credentials and naming standards of Adobe. With the involvement of specialists globally, Adobe certification examinations are created in accordance with industry standards in creating fair and reliable assessments. This test validates Magento's abilities and expertise in the following categories: basic architecture, UI changes, catalogs, check-outs, commercial features and security. The examination also validates the capacity to make create personalized, predicts the effects of customization and tests knowledge of fundamental processes in key areas such as the budgeting process of a commodity, check-out and quota procedures. Before taking the test, you do not have to undergo training; nevertheless, training may greatly improve your knowledge and abilities. It is essential to remember that instruction alone does not deliver you the information and abilities necessary for passing an examination. Great challenge on the job is crucial to provide you with the necessary information to pass the test. Adobe AD0-E704 exam dumps comprises the best solution of the answers. Difficulty in writing the Adobe AD0-E704: Adobe Certified Master Magento Commerce Architect Exam Our company somehow doesn't compromise Adobe AD0-E704 exam dumps and review course engine reliability. The Adobe AD0-E704 continues to monitor the newest updates and update the questions every day so that no important topic is missed by our client. Those who simply want to take the Adobe Magento Commerce AD0-E704 test once and pass it may ask for help from our quality questions for practice. Adobe AD0-E704. We believe in confidence. Our emphasis is on client comfort. Thus, we focus on the convenient Adobe AD0-E704 exam dumps which our loyal customers may always use easily. Our PDF exam teaches you how to easily pass the Adobe Magento Commerce AD0-E704. 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Our PDF exam teaches you how to easily pass the Adobe Magento Commerce AD0-E704. And that something great can be done after the questions from the AD0-E704 review have been resolved. We are renowned for outstanding specialists that have been working in this area for over 20 years and have tremendous experience. For more info read reference Adobe Certification Reference   NO.38 You need to do an analysis of Admin actions on the website for a 24 hour period that happened 90 days ago using the Admin actions log. Assuming that the Log Entry Lifetime store configuration setting has not been changed from the default, where do you access the data?  It is archived in the varloggingarchive folder on the server  It is available by default for review in the actions log report grid  It has been permanently deleted by the Magento log rotation cron  It is archived in the magento_logging_event_archive table NO.39 You are creating a module that creates a Catalog Price Rule. You have written this code to specify the conditions:After saving the catalog rule, the second and third condition do not seem to fall under the combine condition.How do you fix the issue?  The type of the third condition needs to be MagentoCatalogRuleModelRuleConditionCategory since you are checking on category_ids  The array keys are incorrect they need to be 1–1 and 1–2  The value field in the first condition is changed to “2. 3”  The () operator in the third condition is invalid, which prevents the conditions from being saved correctly NO.40 You want to display customized product list along with it’s tier prices. To render this price which class should be used and which data needs to be provided ?  In layout xml, use class= MagentoCatalogPricingRender andprice_render argument= product.price.render.default  In layout xml, use class= MagentoCatalogPricingRender andprice_render argument= product.price.render.tier  In layout xml, use class= MagentoCatalogPricingRender andprice_render argument= product.price.render.simple  None of these NO.41 You are developing an in-house solution for catalog management which is implemented as a Magento module called MyCompany_MyModule. To streamline integration with the ERP system you decided to expose MyCompany_MyModule’S functionality via REST.What are the three minimum requirements to achieve this?  Add webapi. xml declarations for all methods to be exposed  Specify the parameter and return types in the PHP method signatures  Represent all functionalities which need to be exposed as service contracts  Specify the parameter and return types in the method annotations  Add Cap: annotations to all methods which need to be exposed NO.42 You are working on a Magento module for a merchant that does business in the UK. This module exposes a REST API endpoint for sending text messages to customers. There is an app based on this REST API which allows admin users to stay in touch with the customers. You would like to restrict the admin’s ability to send text messages after work hours.Keeping simplicity in mind, how do you implement this?  Use the built-in scheduled ACL functionality to configure allow-deny rules in the admin panel  Add the check directly to the service method implementation  Implement a cron job to change the admin permissions twice a day for everyone who has these permissions set  Add aclResolver=”MycompanyMyModuleModelPathToAc1Resolver” declaration for the relevant methods in webapi. xbI NO.43 You have created a new gateway payment method. You configured the command pool in a di. xml file and added the MyCompanyMyModuleGatewayCommandSale command with the name sale to it. Your Sale command extends the MagentoPaymentGatewayCommandGatewayCommand class.You have also created a payment_action option in the system configuration and set the value to authorize_capture.You found the sale command is never called when placing an order.Which action will fix the problem?  The SaleCommand Class has to extend the MagentoPaymentGatewayCommandSaleCommand Class  The command name has to be changed to capture  The sale command has to be registered in the etc config. xml as sales_model for a payment method  The payment action has to be changed to sale NO.44 You are tasked to work on a message queue module. When looking at the queue configuration you see the following:Keeping in mind maintainability, you change it to:What will happen?  This code will cancel all the topic starting with customer  This code will not work as message queue does not allow # wildcard  This code will replace all of the different topics as # is the symbol for everything  This code will replace only some of the topics NO.45 Consider below code in a UiComponent xml file: MagedealEmployeeUiDataProviderEmployeeDataProvider employee_data_source entity_id id What is the application of  The class attribute defines DataProvider class which is the primary source of any data or metadata that the component needs or will use.  This references a PHP class that must implement MagentoFrameworkViewElementUiComponentDataProviderDataProviderInterface. And it can also extend or implement the MagentoUiDataProviderModifierPoolDataProvider  The class attribute defines UiComponent class which is the primary source of any data or metadata that the component needs or will use.  This references a PHP class that must implement MagentoFrameworkViewElementUiComponentDataProviderUiComponentInterface. And it can also extend or implement the MagentoUiDataProviderModifierPoolDataProvider NO.46 In a phtml, you added script tag and defined couple of js variables as below:Now to protect it from XSS attacks, which two methods allow you to keep the php variable output XSS-safe?Choose 2  $block->escapeUrl($myUrl)  $block->escapeJs($myName)  $block->escapeHtmlAttr($myName)  $block->escapeHtmlAttr($myUrl) NO.47 You are implementing a requirement to exclude all shipping rates less than $50 if there is a specific product in the shopping cart. How do you do this?  Create an after plugin for the method MagentoshiPpingModeishipPing: : collectives and access the rate result object using the getResuh o method of the Shipping class. You can update the list of rates in the result object.  Create an observer for the event shipping_rates_collect_after-. In the observer you have access to the rates result object which contains all the rates. You can set a new list of rates to the result object.  Create an after plugin for the method HageinocheckoutUpishippinginfonaationManageDein::getShippingRates. The method returns a list of rates which you can filter in the plugin.  Create a shopping cart price rule with a condition of having the product in the cart and an action to exclude shipping rates less than $50. NO.48 You are reviewing a codebase and come across the following in a layout XML file:The project is using Varnish for full page caching. How will Magento use the 111 attribute value?  To set the Expires HTTP response headers for any page containing this block  To set the timeout for the block output in the browser local storage  To set the cache lifetime when saving the block output to the block cache  To set the Expires HTTP header when serving the block as an ESI NO.49 A client running Elasticsearch would like products only matching ALL search terms to show on the frontend of the website. How do you do this?  Configure the Match Behavior setting to All in the Magento Admin panel  This requires custom code  Create an esconfig.xml configuration file with a <match> node set to all  Send a one-time POST request to the Elasticsearch /.settings endpoint NO.50 You are working on a module MyCompany_MyModule which adds a select attribute with a few options using the MagentoEavSetupEavSetup: :addAttribute() method in data in data install script.There is no uninstall script. While debugging, you have uninstalled the module with the command:bin magento module:uninstall MyCompany_MyModuleThen you reinstalled the module. What will be the effect on the attribute?  The attribute remains the same but the attribute options will be duplicated  The attribute is deleted and created again  The attribute is updated when attribute options differ  A duplicate attribute will be created with a different attribute code NO.51 You are working on a new feature to allow multiple vendors for various products. To display vendors you add a custom fieldset component and select with the name myCompanyVendors. It will be shown if the number of vendors is more than one.To do this you implement a custom method on your component:How do you cause the method to be called when the value of options change?A)B)C)D)  Option A  Option B  Option C  Option D NO.52 A merchant has created a segment that applies to registered customers whose gender is female. You then migrate customers by copying data directly from one database to another. What two ways are used to assign migrated customers with a female gender to the segment?  They will be automatically assigned by a cron job at the scheduled time  Run bin Mgento index:reinde. customer_segment  Click on the Refresh Segment Data button in the Admin  Re-save the customer segment in the Admin NO.53 On a merchant website you inherit an extension that allows customers to rate products. The extension adds two integer attributes to store the rating values, avg_rating and rating_count. The merchant reports an issue that the displayed average is lower than it should be. You determine you need to change the avg_rating attribute backend typetodecim to fix the issue.In your module’s Data Patch script, which three steps do you take to change the attribute backend type?A)B)C)D)E)  Option A  Option B  Option C  Option D  Option E NO.54 Suppose in a store there are 500 categories and it’s increasing as per the need. Let’s say your frontend developer asked you to modify the header and include CSS files on some specific category pages based on the custom category attribute selection from backend. What should be the acceptable and easiest way to do this, so that no new file creation and code update will be required after implementation:  create a new layout XML file for the category called catalog_category_view.xml and add the layout modification code  create a new layout XML file for the category called catalog_category_view_selectable_<Category ID>_CustomLayout.xmland assign it to the needed categories from backend, and add the layout modification code in it.  create a custom layout handle for the category using observer layout_load_before and add the layout modification code  create a custom layout handle for the category using observer layout_load_after and add the layout modification code NO.55 You are making a module MyCompany_MyModule and the merchant asks for an attribute that is only available to simple and configurable products. This needs to be defined in the catalog_eav_attribute table.How can we create this behavior during the creation of this attribute?A)B)C)D)  Option A  Option B  Option C  Option D NO.56 While debugging a problem with a scheduled product update, you want to get a list of products that are scheduled for the next update. How does Magento Staging store scheduled entities?  Scheduled entities are stored in a copy of the entity table with a _ version suffix  Scheduled entities are stored in their tables as separate rows with version stored in the created_in updated_in fields  In the table staging_update as a serialized array of ids in the field entity_ids  In the table sTaging_scheduied_entity where each scheduled entity is represented by a row related to the staging_update table NO.57 You are working on a project which uses Staging for different entities. You are considering the option to stage and rollback different entities independently. What is the scope of a Staging version in Magento?  Website, such that all entity values for the website are affected with a stage and rollback  Global, such that stage and rollback affect the whole database  Group of entities (catalog, customer, cms), which makes only possible to stage and rollback the whole group  Table, which makes it possible to stage and rollback the data from each table separately  Loading … Truly Beneficial For Your Adobe Exam: --------------------------------------------------- Images: --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Post date: 2023-03-15 12:46:52 Post date GMT: 2023-03-15 12:46:52 Post modified date: 2023-03-15 12:46:52 Post modified date GMT: 2023-03-15 12:46:52