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Ultimate Guide to the P-C4H340-34 - Latest May 15, 2024 Edition Available Now [Q17-Q37]

Ultimate Guide to the P-C4H340-34 - Latest May 15, 2024 Edition Available Now

2024 Updated Verified Pass P-C4H340-34 Exam - Real Questions and Answers

Q17. Which services are included in the basecommerce extension to address customer services functionality? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.


Q18. You synchronize a media item stored in SAP Commerce Cloud from a staged version to an online


Q19. You are creating a new SolrIndexProperty as a facet and want to define it using facet ranges. What ======= do you need to do to achieve that?


Q20. Which configuration options are available on a cache region? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.


Q21. What are AddOns specifically designed to allow an SAP Commerce developer to do? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.


Q22. What can a *-backoffice-widgets.xml contain in the Backoffice framework? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.


Q23. How many category items will the following ImpEx create?
$catVersion=catalogVersion(catalog(id[default=$prodCat]),version[default=$version]) INSERT_UPDATE Category;code[unique=true];$catVersion[unique=true]


Q24. You need to add a new Cockpit to the Backoffice to implement new features for a business user role. Which tasks are required? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.


Q25. You are creating an extension with a web module. What do you need to ensure? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.


Q26. You are asked to define a new business process. What steps do you perform? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.


Q27. Which of the following can you configure in a widget definition (definition.xml) file? Note: There ======== are 2 correct answers to this question.


Q28. You restart the platform without running “ant all”. Which of the following changes take effect?
Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.


Q29. What is SmartEdit’s Navigation Management page useful for? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.


Q30. To define the data that gets extracted into the Solr index for searching, what do you need to provide? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.


Q31. What causes item data to be invalidated in the SAP Commerce Cloud entity cache? Note: There are =====
2 correct answers to this question.


Q32. When you are defining properties in manifest.json, which of the following attributes are you allowed to use? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.


Q33. You have these example item types defined in myext-items.xml:What additional steps are needed to support the identification attribute?
< ?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”ISO-8859-1″? >
< items >
< itemtype code=”Passport” autocreate=”true” generate=”true” >
< deployment typecode=”8995″ table=”passport” />
< attributes > … < /attributes >
< /itemtype >
< itemtype code=”Student” extends=”Customer” autocreate=”true” generate=”true” >
< attributes >
< attribute type=”localized:Passport” qualifier=”identification” >
< persistence type=”property” />
< /attribute >
< /attributes >
< /itemtype >
< /items >
What additional steps are needed to support the identification attribute?
Define a one-to-many relation between Student and Passport using a relation tag with parameter localized=”true”.
Add a maptype tag for localized:Passport with parameters argumenttype=”Language” and returntype=”Passport”.
Run an ant updatesystem command. A passportlp table will be generated to store the localized property values.
Define a localized Passport attribute for the Student type in
Customer Experience


Q34. In personalization (based on SmartEdit), you want to configure when the experience calculation is triggered for registered customers without requiring any customization. What are the available options? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.


Q35. When using Monitoring Support in the Integration API Module, what should you pay attention to?
Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.


Q36. When a customer places an order using the default order management process defined in the Y accelerator fulfilment process extension, when does the fulfillment process send the notification that the order has been placed?


Q37. In an Accelerator-based storefront, which of the following would allow you to display a custom ====== CMS Component? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.


SAP P-C4H340-34 Exam Syllabus Topics:

Topic 1
  • Implement and manage custom CMS component types and CMS restrictions
  • Identify the functionalities of workflows
  • workflow templates and the collaboaration center
Topic 2
  • Describe the features of Assisted Service Module and Customer Service Module
  • Describe how to configure manifest.json files, how to manage environments
Topic 3
  • Identify the out-of-the-box CMS item types and the type hierarchy
  • Understand the ant build framework
Topic 4
  • Uderstand the personalization module and the related data models
  • Identify the features of caching; explain the data conversion and populating process
Topic 5
  • Understand the search and navigation module (Solr configuration
  • Understand the event framework with special event types
Topic 6
  • Identify the features
  • functionalities of Cloud Hot Folders
  • Describe how to create and manage backoffice applications using the Backoffice framework
Topic 7
  • Manage security aspects regarding access rights and restrictions
  • Describe the concept of data modeling, items.xml
Topic 8
  • Identify the different product modeling approaches
  • Explain the SAP Commerce Cloud Architecture
Topic 9
  • Identify the key features of SAP Commerce Cloud, composable storefront
  • Explain the concept of extensions and how to manage them


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