This page was exported from Free Exams Dumps Materials [ ] Export date:Thu Mar 13 17:45:37 2025 / +0000 GMT ___________________________________________________ Title: 100% Updated Salesforce B2C-Commerce-Developer Enterprise PDF Dumps [Q43-Q58] --------------------------------------------------- 100% Updated Salesforce B2C-Commerce-Developer Enterprise PDF Dumps Use Valid Exam B2C-Commerce-Developer by DumpsMaterials Books For Free Website Salesforce B2C-Commerce-Developer Certification Exam is a great way to demonstrate your expertise in Salesforce B2C Commerce Cloud. Salesforce Certified B2C Commerce Developer certification is recognized by employers and industry professionals, and can help you stand out in a competitive job market. Earning this certification can also lead to increased job opportunities and higher salaries. Whether you are just starting your career in Salesforce B2C Commerce Cloud, or are looking to advance to the next level, the B2C-Commerce-Developer Certification Exam is a valuable investment in your professional development.   QUESTION 43A developer wants to add a link to the My Account Page.What is the correct code to accomplish this?  <a href="/ko/”${URLUtils.get(‘Account-Show’)}/">${Resource.msg('myaccount','account',request.locale())}</a>  <a href="/ko/”${url.get(‘Account-Show’)}/">${Resource.message('myaccount')}</a>  <a href="/ko/”${URLUtils.url(‘Account-Show’)}/">${Resource.msg('myaccount','account',null)}</a>  <a href="/ko/”${URLUtils/" (‘account-show’)}>${ResourceMgr.getPropierties('myaccount','account',null)}</a> 질문 44사용자 지정 로깅이 활성화된 인스턴스가 있습니다. 로그가 파일 크기 제한에 도달했는데 이런 상황에서는 어떻게 되나요? 로그 파일이 삭제되고 새 로그 파일이 만들어집니다. 해당 일 동안 로깅이 일시 중단됩니다. 현재 로그 파일이 보관되고 새 로그 파일이 만들어집니다. 로그 파일이 롤오버되고 가장 오래된 로그 메시지를 덮어씁니다. 질문 45다음 샘플 코드는 원하는 결과를 제공하지 않습니다. 디지털 개발자는 문제를 디버깅하기 위해 로그에 항목을 추가해야 합니다. 다음 중 로그 항목을 올바르게 추가하는 문은? Logger.exception('주문에 대한 Apple Pay 결제 수단을 찾을 수 없습니다.'+paymentInstruments); Logger.getErrorLog().log('주문에 대한 Apple Pay 결제 수단을 찾을 수 없습니다.'+paymentInstruments); Logger.fault('주문에 대한 Apple Pay 결제 수단을 찾을 수 없습니다.'+paymentInstruments); Logger.error('주문에 대한 Apple Pay 결제 수단을 찾을 수 없습니다.'+paymentInstruments); 질문 46디지털 개발자가 서버와의 통신이 필요하고 HTTPS 프로토콜을 사용해야 하는 새 PaymentForm 컨트롤러를 만들었습니다. 개발자가 HTTPS를 사용하도록 하려면 어떤 코드 샘플을 사용해야 하나요? exports.PaymentForm = guard.ensure(['http', 'post', 'loggedIn'], handlePaymentForm); exports.PaymentForm = guard.expose(['post', 'loggedIn'], handlePaymentForm); exports.PaymentForm = guard.httpsPost(handlePaymentForm); exports.PaymentForm = guard.ensure(['https', 'post', 'loggedIn'], handlePaymentForm); 참조:질문 47스텝타입.json에 구성된 작업 단계가 주어졌을 때 개발자가 사용자 지정 상태 코드"No_FILES_FOUND"를 추가해야 하는데 다음 코드 스니펫 중 요구 사항을 완료하는 것은 무엇인가요? var status = {성공: 'OK'. 메시지: 'NO_FILES_FOUND'};상태를 반환합니다; var status = require('dw/system/status');return new Status(Status.OK, 'NO_FILES_FOUND'); this.status = 'NO_FILES_FOUND'를 반환합니다; 반환 'NO_FILES_FOUND' 질문 48개발자는 사용된 검색어에 관계없이 동일한 검색 결과가 반환되도록 다음 제품을 구성하려고 합니다. 검색어는 가방, 지갑, 수첩, 토트백이 될 수 있습니다. 개발자가 이를 어떻게 구성해야 하나요? 동의어 Hypernyms 반의어 질문 49아래 코드가 실행 중이라고 가정합니다. 비즈니스 관리자의 구성이 다음과 같습니다. 활성 로그 카테고리는 "root"이고 로그 수준은 "정보"입니다. 이 정보가 주어지면 로그가 기록될 파일 이름의 시작은 무엇인가요? xyz custominfo-blade custom-export custom-xyz 질문 50개발자가 기존 캐나다 사이트를 기반으로 미국용 새 사이트를 작업하고 있습니다. 요구 사항 중 하나는 주소 양식을 변경하는 것입니다. 현재 캐나다 양식에는 <options> 주에 대한 정확한 두 글자 약어가 포함된 목록을 작성해야 합니다.* 미국 요구 사항은 다음과 같습니다. <options> list with the correct two-letter abbreviation for the states in place of the province field.* Set the U.S site locale.* Add the options list field definition to the XML file.How should the developer set up the files before making the required edits?  Create a copy of existing address.xml file in the default folder. Rename that file to adres_US.xml  Create a new sub-folder in the forms folder. Name it US. Copy existing address.xml file in the new folder.  Create a copy of existing address.xml file in the default folder. Rename that file to address_en_US.xml  Create a new sub-folder in the forms folder. Name it en_US. Copy existing address.xml file in the new folder. QUESTION 51A developer working on a simple web service integration is asked to add appropriate logging to allow future troubleshooting.According to logging best practices, which code should the developer write to log when an operation succeeds, but has an unexpected outcome that may produce side effects?‘Unexpected service response’)  Logger.debug(‘Unexpected service response’)  Logger.error(‘Unexpected service response’)  Logger.warn(‘Unexpected service response’) QUESTION 52Assume the code below is executing:Business Manager has the configuration:* Active Log category is “root” with log level of “info.”Given this information, what is the beginning of the filename in which the log will be written?  xyz  custominfo-blade  custom-export  custom-xyz QUESTION 53A Digital Developer has been given a specification to integrate with a REST API for retrieving weather conditions. The service expects parameters to be form encoded.Which service type should the Developer register?  HTTP Form  WebDAV  SOAP  FTP QUESTION 54A developer wants to create in Business Manager extension with the cartridge named plugin_vm_extension.Which two steps should the developer take for the extension option to show up in Business Manager?Choose 2 answers:  Add plugin_bm_extension to the cartridge path under business manager cartridge site  Add the appropiate roles and permission to the user to view the business manager extension.  Add plugin_bm_extension to the cartridge path under Storefront cartridge site path.  Activate a new code version for the Business Manager Site. QUESTION 55Consider the following information:* A merchant has this three-tier category structure setup in the Storefront catalog.– New Arrivals > Women > Clothing* The category named Clothing has all the clothing items for Women and is merchandised.* A Search Refinement named Newness is correctly configured for the Clothing category.When a merchandiser views the Clothing category, the Search Refinement appears and works as expected.However, the merchandiser does not see the Search Refinement when searching for Clothing via the Storefront search.What is the reason?  The Search Refinement definition is not set up for the New Arrivals category  There are conflicting Search Refinement definitions for Clothing and one of its parent categories  The Search Refinement definition is not set up for the Women category  The Search Refinement definition is not set up for the Root category QUESTION 56A developer must configure permissions for an Open Commerce API resource on a sandbox instance that currently does not have any permissions configured.Which two configuration properties are required to enable Access to the resource?Choose 2 answers  Resource_id  Read_attributes  Client_id  Version_range QUESTION 57A Digital Developer wants pass control to an ISML template from a JavaScript Controller and load product on the pipeline dictionary with the name myProduct.Which code sample will achieve this?  ISML.renderTemlpate ( “helloworld.isml”, { “myProduct”: “product” });  ISML.renderTemlpate ( “helloworld.isml”, { “product”: myProduct });  ISML.renderTemlpate ( “helloworld.isml”, { product: myProduct });  ISML.renderTemlpate ( “helloworld.isml”, { myProduct: product }); Explanation/Reference: 58The following code ensures that an address ID CANNOT be used if it is already in use by another address in the customer’s address book. There is a problem with the code. The error message for an invalid address ID is never shown to the user on the form field.How should the Digital Developer resolve this issue so that the error message is displayed on the address ID form field?  addressForm.invalidateFormElement(“addressid”);  addressForm.addresssid.invalidateFormElement = true;  addressForm.invalidateFormElement(addressForm.addressid);  addressForm.addresssid.invalidateFormElement();  Loading … Salesforce B2C-Commerce-Developer Official Cert Guide PDF: --------------------------------------------------- Images: --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Post date: 2024